We are studying how impaired heart health affects the brain while walking. This one-day study will take ~3.5 hours in the lab and you will receive a check payment of $30. If you are >55 years old, do not have any medical condition, and are willing to participate in a walking and balance study, then […]
Category: Actively Recruiting Research Projects
AgeCareVets Recruitment Information
Are you/were you a caregiver to a veteran with a brain-related injury? Are you 60 years of age or older? If the answer is yes, now is your chance to be part of the first-ever study that is trying to understand the needs and experiences of older caregivers of veterans with traumatic brain injury to […]
SmartSurvey Participants Needed
The Human Factors and Aging Laboratory at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is conducting a research study to understand older adults’ opinions about using Smart Technology products. Participants will be asked to complete an online survey that will take approximately 1 hour. Participants who complete the survey will be entered into a raffle to receive […]
Join the TechSAge RERC Participant Registry to Get Involved in our Research
TechSAge RERC conducts a variety of research studies that focus on understanding the needs of, and developing supportive technologies for, older adults with a range of abilities and disabilities. We maintain a registry of names of people who are interested in being contacted about research studies. Opportunities include: surveys, focus groups, interviews, and technology evaluations. […]
A Holistic Understanding of Domestic Robot Acceptance Among Older Adults
This study aims to learn more about how older adults think about robots to assist them in their homes. During this study, participants will be asked to discuss their thoughts on a variety of robots with the potential to help them in the home. Participation will last an hour and a half to two hours […]