RERC on Technologies to Support Aging-in-Place for People with Long-Term Disabilities
The Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Technologies to Support Aging-in-Place for People with Long-Term Disabilities (RERC TechSAge) is a collaborative grant center based at the Georgia Institute of Technology and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Founded in 2013, TechSAge features multidisciplinary research, development, and training projects that are dedicated to understanding the needs of, and developing supportive technologies for, people aging with long-term disabilities. This center is supported by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR).
Join the TechSAge RERC Participant Registry to Get Involved in our Research
TechSAge RERC conducts a variety of research studies that focus on understanding the needs and developing supportive technologies for older adults with a range of abilities and disabilities. We maintain a registry of names of people who are interested in being contacted about research studies. Opportunities include surveys, focus groups, interviews, and technology evaluations. Depending on the study, you may be able to participate on the phone, online, on campus, at your home, or in other locations. Compensation varies by study.
Interested in joining? We need to ask you a few questions about yourself to see which studies you might be eligible for and match your interests with our researchers. Question topics include contact information, demographics, technology use, health, and sensory and mobility capabilities. This information is for screening purposes only and will not be shared with anyone outside of our research team.
You can complete the brief survey (5-10 minutes) online here: TechSAge Participant Registry Survey
For more information, contact the Registry Coordinator: (217-244-2866)
This Registry is maintained by TechSAge and has been approved by the Institution Review Boards at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (IRB# 20662) and Georgia Institute of Technology (IRB# H20190).